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You Don’t Need a Lot of New Toys to Secure Your Business

You need the right strategy

Technology alone will never solve your security problems.

The fact is, 75-85% of existing security technology is under-utilized or not even used at all.

Discover how Pandoblox worked with the CEO of a NASDAQ company to help develop a security strategy against millions in potential losses, while also significantly reducing total IT operations spending.

Click here to download the case study

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Phone: 800-459-0352


Our Approach

Prioritization of security must be made with business and technology goals, as they are components of an overall strategy.  

Security requires a cross-functional approach between teams, systems, workflows, value streams and business capabilities.

Governance, risk and compliance must be aligned to the business goals and values.

Milestones + checks and balances must be carefully planned across the entire operational plan.

We provide a unique layered approach to security that integrates people, value streams, data, and technology.

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Engineers love new toys. But without the proper plan, that expensive technology not only is often under-utilized but also does not fit into a comprehensive business strategy.

Spending on Cybersecurity is also running rampant, with worldwide total spending expected to hit $150.4B, a mind-numbing 12.4% increase over 2020.

While 66% of organizations consider malicious insider attacks or accidental breaches more likely than external attacks majority of the security products in the market focus on external attacks.

The hype around security tools is clearly alluring, with investment in cybersecurity companies topping $9.3B in the first half of 2021, already exceeding the $7B achieved for all of 2020.









The Shiny Toy Syndrome

Companies need a North Star – a guiding light that will not only direct a security strategy, but will also provide a comprehensive map that guides the entire business - incorporating value streams, personnel, data and technology.

Using this comprehensive approach, businesses can achieve both high levels of security and efficiency across the entire organization. How do we know? Because we’ve secured some of the largest companies in the world, and are consultants to the cybersecurity divisions of the FBI and DHS (Department of Homeland Security).

Click here to download the case study

In our Case Study,

you'll discover:

How we saved the client $2 million in operating costs, repurposing $500K of those savings to cybersecurity staff.

Resolved a potential security breach with $0 in new security products.

Remedied client non-compliance with cybersecurity insurance, spending $0 in new security tooling.

Download our case study to see how the Pandoblox cross-functional approach to security led to a $1.5 million reduction in overall operational spending.

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