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Over 70% of Digital Transformation FAIL
Wasting Time and Burning through Money
The Reason: The company’s internal culture was out of tune. Old-fashioned work modes hamper digital transformations.
Before embarking on a digital transformation, first find out if you’re company, your team, and your processes are ready.
Take a 2-minute eye-opening questionnaire developed by CEOs with significant digital transformation experience, to evaluate whether your business is ready to embark upon this vital, yet potentially hazardous evolution.

Companies are attempting large transformations without having a corporate culture that will support those changes.
Participate in an exclusive roundtable discussion with CEOs from well-known companies, and discover what they learned from their own digital transformations.
(Details provided at end of questionnaire)

If you have downloaded the Gap Guide and you think you are ready to start a digital transformation, click here for an invitation to a private executive summit, where business leaders will discuss their experiences and offer advice, tips, and answer questions.
If you have downloaded the Gap Guide and you think you are not ready to start a digital transformation, click here for an invitation to a private executive summit, where business leaders will discuss how they rebuilt their company culture and prepared the organization for a success, prior to beginning this massive project.
Next Step

Don’t spend a dime on digital transformation until you have your house in order.
There are 5 reasons most digital transformations fail

Learn from experienced CEOs and business leaders that have faced these challenges.
Pat Turpin, board member and former CEO of Popchips, along with other well-known CXOs, developed a questionnaire that will help you determine whether or not your business is ready for a digital transformation.
Take 2-minutes and gain valuable insight

Misdirection of Resources
The phrase “Digital Transformation” makes it sound like this process is mostly about technology. It is not. In fact, technology is just one part of the process.
Lack of Ownership
The CEO, senior executives and board members must visibly support and nurture the emerging digital strategy. Without their involvement, the process will fail.

Siloed Units
When departments are siloed and don’t incorporate a shared vision, any digital transformation effort will be ineffective. A global and overarching strategy must be implemented from the top down.
Wrong Roleplay
Too often, people are miscast into incorrect roles, and the linear lines of reporting are not only inefficient, but actually hamper progress. Old-fashioned org charts simply don’t work in today’s digital environments.

Culture Chaos
The business culture needs to be conducive to transformation. This refers to the set of behavioral and procedural norms within your company, as well as values, goals, and organizational structures.